FCF Franchise | Australia's leading fire industry franchise

Next Steps


New Business

Taking the leap into being a new business owner can be an overwhelming experience as you embark on a huge learning curve to understand the required legislation, marketing, customer service, and business processes.

An FCF Electrical and Fire Franchise allows you to learn from our experience and utilise our many years of refining processes and we supply you with these in easy to read manuals.

We are here to support you, so you succeed in your business and also ensure the FCF Brand strengthens with your new venture.

You’re in business for yourself but not by yourself.

Existing Business

Already running an electrical or fire services business and you want the benefits that being part of a large brand can provide. FCF is here to help you improve your knowledge, provide the systems you need,  the pricing structures and the support of an existing team.

(Benefits of adding FCF to your skillset allows for improvement in many areas across an overall business.)  Not sure what you are saying here, is this better?  The benefit of being an FCF Franchisee is that we will improve your industry skill sets, and your business knowledge and skills.

A solo business can be a lonely road if you are relying on one or two people to ensure the desired outcome. With FCF you have a Support Team that will help you to improve and grow your business.  We can help you can achieve your dreams.

Allows FCF to gain the insight of your goals and how we can assist to make these a reality. (Again not sure what you’re trying to say here)  Is this better?  As an FCF Franchisee you are provided tools that will allow you to define your goals, and FCF will work with you to realise your goals.

Your Support Team

Starting as man in a van business, FCF knows firsthand the struggles of adding systems, finding a great team and the difficulties running a business can bring.

“If an electrical and fire franchise existed, I would have joined. Knowing the difficult road ahead. Everything would have been easier, having manuals, processes, and a team to assist would have made growing the business a lot easier and faster”,

Jacob Foster.

When starting your business, immediately you have access to sales, estimating, technical, administrative, accounts, legal and management tools, systems and information. This is an unexplainable bonus to a business that is new to an area.

Are you ready to start the process into being a business owner?

Let’s look at the next steps

Fill out your details, which enables our Support Team to contact you:

Our team will make an initial call to ensure that the business is the right fit for both parties. Especially since FCF look for long term friendship and business partnership.

Learning more about each other:

It’s important in business to understand each other for success. We want to know more about you. This is normally done via video link-up.

Legal Documents for the business:

Issue of the preliminary disclosure document, franchising agreement and Franchising Code of Conduct.

Meet the Team at our Support Office in Hervey Bay Queensland:

Our Team values Face to Face contact and look forward to meeting you in person, and you meet the team that will help you on your journey.

This opportunity also gives you an inside look into systems, figures and the overall brand.

We can even include an infield experience with Fire Technicians in our Branch.

Issue of all relevant documents in final form:

Legal Team steps in and finalises all agreed Territory, Businesses Entities to provide copies of relevant documentation.

Review of the legal documents by your chosen solicitor and accountant:

Don’t take our word that this is a great business, show your Accountant and Solicitor to gain their advice.

Once your experts have reviewed the documents we can answer any questions.

Final copies of signed agreements are completed:

Once documents are reviewed by all parties involved the Final copies are issued for signing.

Payment of the franchise so that we can order all the equipment and ensure its arriving ready for you to operate.

Franchise Training:

Jumping into a business we are here to help. We will support you as you complete government recognised courses, gain field experience, start your Business and Marketing plans, and more in the next 9 days.

Don’t worry if you need more assistance your welcome to stay longer or come back as other franchisees have.

Supply of uniforms, tooling, marketing material and products:

One exciting part of the business journey is putting on the unfirm for the first time, opening new tools, stocking your vehicle, and getting ready to open your business.

Launch of business:

Ready to accept your first clients and book in work. With the business plan and marketing plan we are ready to go.

Let’s work together and grow the Brand

In our experience in following the Franchise Code of Conduct the process takes roughly three months to start the business.